Ameren Missouri provides tips and ways to cut energy costs

Smart thermostats help users save energy while giving them more control over their home's HVAC system.

Simple upgrades and basic maintenance can help customers save throughout the year 

Ameren Missouri is reminding customers there are numerous ways they can cut their energy costs in 2023. With a few technology upgrades and some simple changes, customers can experience savings and enjoy a more comfortable living space moving forward.

For those interested in smart devices and other energy-efficient products, Ameren Missouri provides opportunities to save on smart thermostats, advanced power strips, LED bulbs and more. Instant savings on these items can be found at Customers who own or purchase a qualifying smart thermostat can also earn a $50 sign-up bonus and receive $25 annually for enrolling in Ameren Missouri’s Peak Time Savings program.

Whether homeowners or renters are interested in making small lifestyle changes or looking to invest in an array of smart home devices, Ameren Missouri offers several ideas to help their customers be more energy efficient this winter.

  • Schedule a free in-home assessment. Ameren Missouri customers can take advantage of its Pay As You Save program, which helps them make energy-efficient upgrades to their home — starting with a free in-home assessment.

  • Set thermostat to 68 degrees Fahrenheit. By lowering the temperature for at least eight hours in a day, it’s possible to save as much as 10% on heating bills.

  • Switch to LED bulbs. ENERGY STAR® certified LEDs use up to 70% - 90% less energy than standard bulbs, last at least 15 times longer and save about $55 in electricity costs over their lifetime.

  • Keep heated air indoors. Sealing air leaks and adding insulation can help make customers' homes more comfortable and energy efficient while providing up to 10% savings on annual energy bills.

  • Lower water heater temperature. Many manufacturers set their water heater thermostats to 140 degrees Fahrenheit, but most households are comfortable at 120 degrees. This can save 6% - 10% on water heating costs.

  • Replace air filters every three months. Improve air flow while preventing things like dirt, pet dander and pollen from circulating throughout the home. A clogged air filter can cause HVAC systems to use up to 15% more energy.

  • Install an advanced power strip. Advanced power strips provide surge protection while intelligently cutting off power to connected devices when they’re not in use. Eliminating standby power from unused devices can save the average household up to $100 per year.

  • Track energy usage online. Ameren Missouri's interactive Energy Manager dashboard makes it easier than ever for customers to see trends in their energy usage, select the correct rate option for their lifestyle and make adjustments to lower their energy costs. Customers can even sign up to receive usage alerts to help track their costs throughout the month.

"With more people relying on electronics to power work, school and entertainment from home, many families are consuming higher than average amounts of electricity,” said Tony Lozano, director of energy solutions for Ameren Missouri. “Implementing our energy efficiency tips will allow households to significantly lower their energy costs this winter while still maintaining a comfortable home.”

In addition, Ameren Missouri provides several ways to help those who are struggling with high electric costs. From weatherization assistance to help paying a bill, Ameren Missouri's Energy Assistance program strives to ensure all customers have the resources they need to stay warm and keep their power on this winter. For more information on this program, please visit

Published on by Gregory Hauenstein.